
How to prepare your plants for tonights freeze!

Bundle up Houston!

The Greater Houston Area is expecting the incoming arctic blast to begin the big freeze tonight! ABC13 Weather is predicting temperatures to reach nearly 36 degrees tonight and even dipping below 20 over the weekend! In anticipation for this drop in the temperature, here are a few tips to keeping your plants safe.

While some hardy plants should fair well, it is still a good idea to cover them. Your more tender plants will definitely need protection.
Here are a few examples of tender plants:

  • Azaleas

  • Begonias

  • Bougainvillea

  • Canna

  • Citrus trees & edibles

  • Elephant Ear

  • Fuchsia

  • Geraniums

  • Succulents

  • Palms & Tropical varieties


I know it sounds crazy, but water your beds this afternoon...